The emitter-base junction capacitance of the FFJ is only decided by it's emitter doping profiles, so that both smaller base resistance rb and higher emitter cutoff frequency can simultaneously be obtained. 由于FFJ的发射极-基极结电容仅仅取决于它的发射极掺杂情况,因此,可以同时得到较小的基极电阻rb和较高的发射极截止频率f(TE)。
For the property that the emitter follower is really a common-collector amplifier, we analyzed the output resistance of emitter follower using the h parameter equivalent circuit of common-collector amplifier. 根据射随器实际上是共集电极放大器这一特性,采用共集电极放大器的低频小信号h参数等效电路分析了射随器的输出电阻。
On the basis of emitter follower, a new method of improving input resistance is introduced in this article, which functions mainly by using bootstrapping to reduce the current that conveyed in biasing circuits. 在射极输出器的基础上,提出一种新的提高输入电阻的方法,这种方法的关键在于利用自举电路减小流过偏置电路的电流来提高输入电阻。
The effect of emitter resistance the function of capacitive impendance 射极电阻对容抗管性能之影响
Both the series diode at the base and the relatively low series resistance at the emitter resistance Re can make the burnout time of the device increase obviously. 基极串联二极管和较低的发射极串联电阻Re都能明显的延长器件的烧毁时间。